Friday 15 April 2011

Recording Session 2 Of Filming - AGAIN!

As the original location for filming in the forest was to far away, and we could all could not get transport there, we had to film closer to home, therefore changing the location. Lucky for me, there way no footage from last time, so there is no worry of changing locations and worrying about mis-en-scene.

I used all the same camera shot as the first session and managed to include all the same scenes as last time. Only this time i filmed extra of Zac actually becoming face to face with Carla.

Camera Angles...

Zac on the search for Allysia and confronting Carla...

Zoom In Angle Shot- As Zac turned around and saw Carla, i wanted to make the scene really dramatic and interesting, so as he had finnished looking over the lake, as he turned, i zoomed into his face to show how terrified he was.

Long Angle Shot - I then used a long shot of him, and then Carla walked infront of the camera and stood to the right of it, with ben on her left, and a knife on her left aswell (same as the first footage filmed).

Follow Angle Shot - Zac then ran to the right, running away from Carla.

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