Wednesday 27 April 2011

Evaluation Question 2

How does your media product represent particular social groups?
My movie has actors between the ages of 16years - 18 years, which is good as i casted them as 18years - 19years. When thinking back, i believe that the plot of murder is most common in the adult community and audience, so if i was to change this it would be the age of the actors i cast. However it may also work, this due to the fact of the numbness of teenages, how they dont think things through, how they try to take things into thier own hands. This goes well with the plot.
I changed my movie alittle bit, it starts by showing the surrounding and the set where the murder taken place, the first character i show, is the male, who is stuck between his murdered girlfriend and a unruley revenged ex partner. Normally we see the vulnerable woman who is the focus of the movie. I used the opposite convertion to this for alittle twist to the movie, and showing that men should not be too steriotyped, along side of woman.  

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