Monday 25 April 2011

Filming Session 3 - Forest

So, during this session I planned on filming in the forest on the hope that we will be having a grey day. However unfortunatly for me the sun was brightly shining and it was really warm. After thinking, i thought it would be best just to carry on and do my filming and edit my movie to change the weather, and just to avoid the sun.

During  the process of filming Ben - 'Zac Corly' and Jamine - 'Allysia Preston' the camcorder started to make a strange sound that made me alittle worried. However time was getting late so i just carried on with getting the filming finnished, so i just carried on following my storyboard.

Camera Angles

Zac and Allysia walking through the forrest...

Long Angle Shot - I filmed them from a long shot, this getting a lot of the surrounding in and the both of them messing around and having fun. (trying to avoid filming infront of the sun peering through the trees).

Mid Angle Shot - I filmed them from behind to give it a more creepy 'not alone' feeling. I added these shots to give it a more 'stalkerish' feel.

Eye Angle Shot - I did this shot without using the tripod. I held the camera behind the tree and half peered it out to follow the two characters. This giving the view from another characters eyes.

Zac and Allysia sitting on a log...

Close Over the Shoulder Shot - I used this shot to show the view of Jamine from Bens direction. I wanted to use this for the dream Zac has about the dat Allysia gets murderd.

Long Shot - I did a long shot of the two characters sitting on the log, this was to show Jasmine getting up and going for a wee. It also showed that there was no one closley surrounding them at the time.

Pan Angle Shot - I used this shot to follow Jamines character away from Bens charater Zac.

Close Up Angle Shot - This close up angle shot was used on Ben. This was to show the confusion of why Allysia was taking to long to return back to him. It was focused of him body language and facial expressions. Also as he became more worried.

Pan from Bottom to Top - This was used when Ben stood up off the long and began to search for Allysia.

Follow Shot - I used this shot when Zac was searching for Alyssia and running past the camera. It also showed alot of the surrounding.

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