Saturday 30 April 2011

Evaluation Question 6

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

I already had experience with working with a Digital Video Camera, therefore there was not much for me to learn, however, i have learnt a lot of of new techniques that i can use whilst filming. There are buttons on my DV Camcorder which were not on the camcorder that i got provided with, for this reason the DV camcorder which i used was more 'basic', making it easy to use. To make sure i was as confident as i feel when recording, we did the preliminary shooting to play around with the many effects.

I have never used a Tripod before, so when provided with the tripod, i found it fun and interesting to use. I had to be shown how to safley place and remove the camcorder from the tripod, but once shown it was simple.

I learnt how to connect the DVC to the computer and import my footage onto the programme, 'Adobe Premier Pro'. 

I have never used Adobe Premier Pro software before, so learning to use it for me was a challenge.  Learning how to add effects and transitions to begin with was quite difficult, but with plenty of use, it soon became very simple.

Upload video onto Youtube...

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