Tuesday 5 April 2011

Filming Session 1 - mis-en-scene

As the first scene i filmed was the kitchen scene, i wanted it to be in a natralistic environment, as i was in a home, i wanted it to be seen as 'ordenary' to my audience, so I used the natural house lighting that was available.

For clothing, i asked the actors to wear normal clothing, nothing to dark, but nothing to bright either. This for the reason being, Carla was at the home to have a night with Zac, therefore she would be wearing nice clothing with nothing to exadurated or looked at as 'not normal'. The same rules apply for Bens character Zac, just to wear something that symbolises the charater, eg: Soft, mellow, young but yet has an edge to him, therefore he worn the shirt.

For Rhiannons Character, i choosen her to look smart/casual, so she worn:
. Black tights
. Black Skirt
. White Top with pattern
. Long Scarf for casual.

As on this day we also filmed Carla stading outside Zacs home after she found him, she changed her clothing to a more 'dark theme'. This gave the scene a more realistic theme. I also waited until it was dark outside to show that this is suposed to be a scary scene. She worn a dark hoodie with the hood up and applied darker make-up.

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