Thursday 14 April 2011

Filming Session 2

After looking at the footage I filmed in and outside the home. I brainstormed more ideas that i could possibly add to my Storyboards to make it better. I was really interested in my idea of making the scary scenes more dramatic and action packed. For example, I was watching back on the tape of the kitchen scenes that i filmed, I am intending of using this in a flashback, so I thought it would be great to get more footage of the two characters in the home.

As the characters both went back to Zacs home, I thought that it would be a good idea for the fight to start at the top of the stairs and make its way into the kitchen. So we went back to the home location wearing the same clothing and shot more footage of the fight. I filmed Ben falling down the stairs all the way to the bottom, then Rhiannon standing at the top holding a knife. This making out as if she pushed him.

Mid Angle Shot - I used a mid angle shot on Rhiannon so you could see the rest of the surrounding too. On the footage of Ben falling down the stairs you can see the 'white' background. So by doing a Mid angle shot, you can see that it is the top of the stairs where she is standing, therefore symbolising that she pushed him.

Close Follow Angle Shot - This was used when Bens character Zac was falling down the stairs, I filmed him falling down the stairs from this angle as it makes it feel more realistic and makes the audience feel more involved within the action that is being shown on the screen. It also gives the scene more natralism.

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