Wednesday 27 April 2011

Evaluation Question 1.

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of a real media product?
To make my media movie believeable and 'at the top' with the rest of the huge movies out there, i did lots of research that helped me make my movie fit its genre. I reseached the conventions of the genre i had choosen, which was Horror, i found out the conventions by watching popular, successful horror movies and including the conventions in my movie. I researched James Whale, who is a famous Horror movie Director. However his movies were released in the 1930's,  (Frankenstein, The Invisible Man) 

this is way to dated for todays challenging Directors. Then researched 'Wes Craven' who directed movies such as 'A Nightmare on Elm Street, The Last House On The Left'. I watched the first 2 minutes of the movies to see how he conveyed the genre of thier movie. This giving me idea's on how to start my opening sequence. The things i looked for to link to my movie were things such as, location and the set. I looked at the charactors costumes and the props that were used. I specially watched the camerawork, how the director motioned across the scenes.

My Setting and Location
My Three Locations were:
·         Towneley Forrest
·         Front Room 
·         Kitchen
I found that most of the stereotypical horror movies are set in a forrest, however they create such a tense atmosphere i really wanted to use the same type of idea. Altho they are set in the dark, i did not have good enough equipment that aloud me to film in the dark, and all the charactors to be visible, also, it is not save to be walking around at night in the forrest, so for this reason i had to film in the Day time, this however did not effect my movie, as the scene that included the forest was a nice romantic scene that included a couple on a lovley walk. This is conpletley opposite to a conventional horror and did not go the same, however the creepyness of the death did. To make this more realistic, and more 'real' to the convention of a horror, i added a 'darker contrast' to the movie scene. This allowing the scene to look more dull. On the First day of filming i filmed in 'Hurstwood', this was an excellent day, however there was a lot of sun. I was un able to use this footage anyways as my tape chewed up. So I had to refilm, in Towneley woods, this day was over cast and was much better weather for filming.  
 The Second location was in the Living Room (Front room) of a house. This was for the scene where Zac (Ben Garner), dremt about his murderd girlfriend. In this scene he also walks to the window and answers his phone. During this scene the murderer also approaches the house. Well in most horrors, at the beggining of the movie, the home is the ''comfort zone''. So i used this to make my movie more real. I used the house as the confort zone, therefore had my charactor in normal everyday clothing, normal lighting and nothing unusual on the set. To make it more real, i also set the room, to look comfortable and welcoming.

The usual safeness and comfort of a home/bedroom is usually turned on its head in horror films. Like in scream the infamous scene when the murderer terrorises a teenager in her own home whilst alone by phone call. We also used a home to feature in our opening but not from the prospective of the victim but from the murderer. We open with our murder plotting against her future victims in her bedroom. This is very unconventional as the murder is usually hidden by mask or costume like in the two films by Williamson however ours is revealed and unveiled to the audience. Whether this is as affective is for the audience to decide but we liked the idea of challenging the usual conventions.

All of the probs which were in the Front Room and kitchen scene were natual and realistic, there was nothing unusual. There were no extra props that were added in the kitchen scene, only the knife which we used as a dramatic, scary murder wepon, in the forest and kitchen. But, like i say all the mis-en-scene was natural.

Camerawork and editing

Most horrors that are on top of the leaders board and high in popularity and ratings are not blind to having fast past scenes that make you get tied up in the story lines, just shots, and close-ups on the charactors. Watching this, i wanted to use them in my movie.  I tried to express this in my movie opening by doing close-ups to the murders face, and doing fast pacing scenes when it comes to the 'flash backs' of dramatic events that happened in zacs life. To add to the drama i added a fast beat of music too. I kept all my camera work concentrated on my victom zac, this making the audience feel edgy for him too. To start i used long shots to show my audience the setting of my movie, well, the main setting, this shows the majority of the setting and therefore giving them a clear understanding, and making it conventional.

Title font and style
My title is an eerie font which is coloured red. Usually the red font is unusual and not very stereotyped. Therefore making it unconventional. I did not really convey this very much from a real media product.  

Story and how the opening sequence sets up
      My plot was a very stereotypical revenge plot. A young woman is being cheated on by her partner with another, young and attractive woman. She is now planning revenge on her, by this, i mean kill her. I set this so she would be killed in the forest. I showed it through a dream of what has happened in the past and Zac, remembering it.

      I made it real by beggining with the muder and then unfolding the murderer and how she came back and got Zac. Or did she get him? I ended my opening sequence with the murderer standing at the window, removing the feeling of comfort from the house and leaving the rest of the stort a mistery.

Special Effects
      I did not use many special effects in my movie, just the basic editing on the computer using 'Adobe Premiere Pro' and some diagetic sound. I added a few lighting changes and video transitions. Alot of special effects that can be used in a movie, they were not very good for a horror and ruin the genre i was trying to display to my audience. Many movies use stunt doubles that can be classed as special effects however, nothing like this was used in my opening sequence.

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