Friday 25 February 2011

Chosen idea

So after doing some research and pondering ideas, After being creative and thinking about all my ideas i have decided to go along with 'Idea 1' therefore i will be filming in a forest. However, i have come up with a new suggesten for the amount of people in my opening sequence and plot.
New idea:

. Jasmine Hartly
. Rhiannon Preston
. Ben Garner

. House - living room, kitchen
. Forrest - Hurstwood

There will be a couple, Zac Corly and Allysia Preston (Ben Garner and Jamine Hartly) Who were just casually spending quality time walking through the forest enjoying time together, however unknown to them, they are being followed by a female sychopath Carla (Rhiannon Preston). Carla once had a secret night with Zac and she loved him dearly. Unfortunatly jellousy taken over therefore she believed revenge needed to take place therefore resulted into wanting to kill them both. Carla killed Allysia whilst Zac managed to run away. Unfortunaly for Zac, Carla finds him home and comes back to finnish off he business.


I found it simple to work with the Camera as i own one myself. Most Camcorders are the same, therefore i did not have any problems using the one that we got given. The Tripod itself was also simple to use, i had no problems with any of the equipment when given it. Some things i were uncertain of, but after a little play around, i encounted no problems.

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