Friday 25 February 2011

Chosen idea

So after doing some research and pondering ideas, After being creative and thinking about all my ideas i have decided to go along with 'Idea 1' therefore i will be filming in a forest. However, i have come up with a new suggesten for the amount of people in my opening sequence and plot.
New idea:

. Jasmine Hartly
. Rhiannon Preston
. Ben Garner

. House - living room, kitchen
. Forrest - Hurstwood

There will be a couple, Zac Corly and Allysia Preston (Ben Garner and Jamine Hartly) Who were just casually spending quality time walking through the forest enjoying time together, however unknown to them, they are being followed by a female sychopath Carla (Rhiannon Preston). Carla once had a secret night with Zac and she loved him dearly. Unfortunatly jellousy taken over therefore she believed revenge needed to take place therefore resulted into wanting to kill them both. Carla killed Allysia whilst Zac managed to run away. Unfortunaly for Zac, Carla finds him home and comes back to finnish off he business.


I found it simple to work with the Camera as i own one myself. Most Camcorders are the same, therefore i did not have any problems using the one that we got given. The Tripod itself was also simple to use, i had no problems with any of the equipment when given it. Some things i were uncertain of, but after a little play around, i encounted no problems.

My Story Boards

Thursday 17 February 2011


I came up with the idea that I want to do the theme of a Horror. To help me understand the camera work and techniques of a horror film I am going to check out some movies with the genre Horror. I then did further research and watched the first 2-3 minute openings of Horror movies.

The ring 2

 This is a snapshot of the opening scene to The Ring 2. It is showing the waves coming ferociously into shaw. This is a high birds eye view giving the shot more power. It's dark and blue screened. This automatically shows you that the movie is going to have a dark mood to it and the uneasy awkward feeling for the viewer.

During the Two minutes of the opening of the movie. It again shows a long shot but this time its showing mise-en-scene. Its showing the whole settting of it being a dark mysterious city surrounding.

Im going to use this when i begin my movie showing the mise-en-scene to help indicate the genre of movie im doing.

The Forrest Of The Damned

This is the beggining of the movie 'The Forrest Of The Damned'. It shows you a bird view of the setting. This is the forrest and it shows the Location at the bottom of the screen. 'Greenbrier Backcountry, West Virginia'. I could use this in my movie opening to set the location and give the audience a clearer understanding about the movie.

Vodoo Moon

This movie is the same again with the title showing along the bottom of the screen, showing where is it and the time period.

I myself is planning on doing a few scenes including flashbacks, therefore i could perhaps include text as well.

To give me idea's I have also been researching other pupils 'A' Grade work and identifying what techniques they have used to get there grade. I searched for 'AS Media horror opening sequence' here are a few examples...

According to wikki ...

''Horror films are unsettling movies that strive to elicit the emotions of fear, discust and horror from viewers. They often feature scenes that startle the viewer through the means of macabre and the supernatural, therefore frequently overlapping with the fantasy and science fiction genres. Horrors also frequently overlap with the thriller genre. Horror films deal with the viewer's nightmares, hidden worst fears, revulsions and terror of the unknown. Although a good deal of it is about the supernatural, if some films contain a plot about morbidity, serial killers, a disease/virus outbreak and surrealism, they may be termed "horror."

Thursday 10 February 2011

Idea 3

Visual Style:
                 Dull, gloomy and dark. Mysterious.

                  A group of young teenages.
             A old home.
       A group of young teenages, all walking and come across a old empty house. One charater will go into the home, hear screams and loud bangs. The other teenages go into the home after them.

Idea 2

Visual Style:
                 Exiting, fun and happy, bringht lights. Nice mood set
              Carla - Woman . Ben - Man

             The location will be in a local park. Towneley hall.

        Two people meet in the park. Begin to talk. Start to unreveal there family history. Turns out that they are actually related however there are lots of secrets to be told.

Idea 1

Visual Style:
                 Exiting, fun and happy, bringht light going to forest. Then the setting goes more gloomy and grey as the frightening things begin to happen.

              Allysia, Carla, Jackson ...approx 7-8 other campers.

             The location will be in Hurstwood forest. The flashbacks however will be in a bedroom and kitchen.

      There are a gang of teenages off camping. There is a rival charactor named Carla. There will be a tent already set up for the rival charactor. She is an ex lover of Jackson, who is also camping. The campers play truth or dare. The new girlfriend Allysia gets the dare and never returns. Carla then appears holding a wepon whilst everyone runs from her.

Monday 7 February 2011


Below is the first experience of making a movie and editing the filmed footage. This was just a practice at the editing techniques and different camera techniques. This was rushed footage and was hard to edit due to the poor camera work. We also included an instrument within our footage therefore when cutting the footage the sound was messed up and time consuming.

Download Prelim Ed...jpg (814.0 KB)